My parents met in Miami—my dad was a doorman, and my mom was a waitress. It must have been love at first sight (or at least quick decision-making), because their love story took a bold turn.
One night, while on a date, my dad pulled up next to a pole, making sure my mom couldn’t open the door to get out. Then, with all the confidence in the world, he told her he wasn’t taking her home until she agreed to marry him. Now, some might call that romance, others might call it hostage negotiations, but either way—it worked! She said yes, they got married, and before long, I was on the way.
Before I was born, they moved to Chicago, where my dad’s family lived. Three days after I entered the world, they packed up and headed right back to Florida. That’s when my dad took a job running a chicken farm on land that, years later, would become the North Miami Mall—if it’s even still there.
He once told me he could have bought that land for ten cents an acre, but he figured it would never be worth anything. Fast-forward to me, years later, out of sheer curiosity, looking up the value of that same land—only to find it was now selling for thousands per square foot! That moment sparked my lifelong fascination with real estate, especially raw land.
Funny how life works, isn’t it?
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