My Bio Timeline Storys

 This is my Bio timeline, maybe a little embellished. What story do you want to hear first? Here is my list of memories. I'm not sure I can make stories out of all my memories, but I'm going to try.

 I Was Born in 1947

On the Chicken Ranch 

My Brothers

Ran Away at 5

The Tough Kid

My friend Doc

Flunked 1st Grade

Loved Miss Green

The Egg Lady

Walnut Wars

My Pony

Ponies and Cows

Peggy, My First Girlfriend

" I'm gonna call the police."

Summer Playing at School

Mafia Dead Bird

Mr. Barazo Chess

Tackle or Flag

Digging Holes

Football at the Park

The Preacher Started My Interest in Rocks

Ronnie Was My Best Friend

Romed the hills and vallies

Had a Crush on Sherry

Snake and Trantula Hunting

Long bicycle rides

Didn't make Little League

Bruce's Accidental Star Play

All-star pitcher Pee Wee League

Our Friend Mike McGinny

Ganisha park

Our Friend Mike Mc Ginny

Dads scooter crash

Jim Holms Robery 

Shela sitting in her window

Drinking Dads beer

Junior High Reputation 

Behind The Church Smoking

My friends Jimmy and Floyd

Our friend Burgy Burgindorf

Stabbed in woodshop

Tracy A., My Beautiful Girlriend

Sports Night Fight

Got robbed

Started driving at 12 years old

First car at 13 years old

Diane H. My Girlfriend

Slow Dance

Joined the Navy at 17

Ship Ahoy

Japanese Bar Girls

Diane H. Dear John

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